Dam Girl is a 15.1 hand, famous red roan color. She was fourth out of 15 at the roan world championship show and a 3 time bronze winner and one reserve world champion and the DHBA world championship show, and also a NSBA money earner in the western events. This beautiful world champion western all-around horse is eligible for 4 associations PHBA, ARHA, NSBA, and AQHA. Dam girl conformation is the very best, she has impeccable manners and the sweet personality we look for. The breedings behind this western pleasure all around horse is the very best in the country. She is ready to show in the Ranch and western classes because she is an excellent mover with a magnificent long trot, slow and smooth jog and a clean moving lope. The future is bright for this young, beautiful horse, she could go any direction. The sky is the limit.