Solo Kid, affectionately known as, ‘Solo’ is the type of horse that you can’t help but fall for. Before you even swing your leg over the saddle, Solo wins you over with his kind eye, big heart, and his desire to befriend anyone that steps into the barn. Solo is what we consider a jack of all trades. Coming out of south eastern Kansas, Solo spent the first part of his riding career working various local stockyards and on different day work operations sorting and doctoring cattle. Fast forward some, and Solo has trail rode all throughout the Hoosier National Forest, hauled off property to a number of clinics and local English and Western shows, learned to navigate and jump a small course of fences, and of course, has stood by patiently and quietly while I’ve sat on his back yapping away with friends in the arena for hours. Under saddle, Solo is a total try-hard in the best way possible! He puts his full effort into whatever you ask of him. Whether he’s done something a thousand times or not once before, his ears are always pricked on his rider, waiting and listening for his next cues, always aiming to please. Solo uses his body beautifully when he moves; pushing off his hind end and stretching over his back and withers resulting in a floaty energetic trot, and an active canter. He moves off your seat and leg well, bends, has a nice little neck rein, and gives to pressure easily. In the ring he is brave to the fences and rates his distances well. Out in the open or down the trail, Solo is steady and confident. He crosses logs, ditches, and water easily. Side him up to tree stump or picnic table, and he’ll patiently stand for you to get back on. At home, Solo turns out in a small mixed herd during the day and stalls at night. He falls in the middle to bottom of the herd and is incredibly social and playful with his pasture mates. He has great barn manners; if you don’t feel like riding, put him in the crossties and he’ll stand for hours loving every minute of being groomed and spoiled.  Solo is a dream horse for anyone who wants to have fun and be safe while dabbling in many different areas of the sport. Will he spin a hole in the ground like some fabulous reiner or jump 1.60m and be your next Grand Prix horse? Probably not. But, will he take you down the trail, to the ribbons in your local ranch show, and to your cross-country clinic all while being your safe, honest, and trusted partner? Absolutely.

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