LIST SKILLS: Hunter/Jumper, All Around, Kid Safe, Amateur Friendly, Western Broke, Fox Hunting, Trail Riding, Dressage, Eventing, Hunter Pace, Working Equitation, Husband Horse
CONSIGNOR NAME: Kieran Donaldson & Caleb Wilson
RANCH or BUSINESS NAME (if applicable): Carolina Sport Horses
PHONE NUMBER: Kieran 908-645-2127 or Caleb 704-813-3509
LIST SKILLS: Working Equitation, Dressage, Eventing, Fox Hunting, Hunter Pace, Kid Safe, Family Horse, Husband Horse, Hunter/Jumper, Trail Riding, Western Broke, Liberty
CONSIGNOR NAME: Kieran Donaldson & Caleb Wilson
RANCH or BUSINESS NAME (if applicable): Carolina Sport Horses
PHONE NUMBER: Kieran 908-645-2127 or Caleb 704-813-3509
Consignors may continue to update and edit listings until day of sale. Please check back often for updates. The accuracy of each listing is the sole responsibility of that horse's consignor. All listings are true and accurate to the best knowledge of the staff, owners, and representatives of Horse Sale Management, Southern Belle Classic, and Belles in Boots Productions, LLC {BinB}. BinB accepts no liability or responsibility for any errors or omissions.