Meet Triscuit the perfect 5 star babysitter!
Triscuit is 10 years old he stands 37in. tall & weighs 375lbs.
Triscuit rides & drives very well he is safe around traffic, bicycles, farm equipment, ATVS ect. He is very easy going and can be haltered, groomed, and handled by the young children. Triscuit has been to the nursing home as a therapy pony as well as being used for a leadline pony. Triscuit has a nice sturdy built and can easily pull a adult in a carriage. He has also been ridden through our obstacle course as well as through the woods. We love Triscuit and we know you will to! Triscuit sells 100% clean and sound. He has current X-rays and a current health exam from a licensed veterinarian available for you to view. If you want the complete package we've got it for you,not only will you be buying Triscuit you'll be getting his personal driving harness & carriage!!! Please call or text Nathan FMI on our cute lil boy Triscuit.
[email protected]
BARN NAME: Triscuit
BREED: Miniature pony
GENDER: Gelding
COLOR: Palomino Paint
HEIGHT: 9.2h
WEIGHT: 375lbs
LOCATION OF HORSE: Millersburg Ohio
TEMPERAMENT RATING 1 (easy going) thru 5 (handful): 2
LIST SKILLS: 5 Star Babysitter, Riding, Driving, Tricks.
RANCH or BUSINESS NAME (if applicable): Triple R Stables
PHONE NUMBER: 3302752877
EMAIL: [email protected]
WEBSITE (if applicable):
FACEBOOK @ (if applicable): Triple R Stables
Listing Order: 1
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